Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D : Providence

Tonight's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the second to follow the events after Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The episode starts with the recently revealed HYDRA sleeper agent Grant Ward freeing Raina from a prison and finally confirming that Agent Garrett is the true Clairvoyant.

I had trouble last week buying that Ward was a true HYDRA agent and thought that he was trying to infiltrate HYDRA to take them out. This week my theory suffered some setbacks as Ward seems to be playing full time for the HYDRA team. At Garrett's secret base in Cuba, he tells Raina about how Garrett recruited him and saved him from his old life. Ward has often referenced how tough his childhood was, so it is easy to believe that he would view anyone who could rescue him from those situations as a savior. Ward admitted to being a mole sent by Garrett to spy on Coulson much the same as Nick Fury had Melinda May spying on Coulson. However he did state that Sky joining the team threw a wrench into the plans. Now the question remains whether or not Ward's feelings for Sky are real or if they were a part of his act. Given the fight he had with Garrett about Sky being shot, it is likely that his feelings for her are real. Raina did hint at a conflict Ward is going to face which the showrunners are probably saving for the season finale, his loyalty to Garrett versus his loyalty to Coulson. Now if my theory still holds that Ward is only trying to gain Garrett's trust to take down more of HYDRA, then it will likely be that Ward will at the last minute choose to help Coulson. However, since it was revealed that Garrett had Ward planted in the team, it is likely to come down to whether his feelings for Sky outweigh his loyalty to Garrett. Since both Garrett and Ward seem to have a loyalty to HYDRA simply for power and domination and they are not true believers in HYDRA's mission, Ward only cares to follow what Garrett wants done. Therefore Ward will have to inevitably choose between loyalty to Garrett and his feelings for Sky. I believe Ward's feelings for Sky to be real since Loreli saw into his heart that it was true. So now that Ward is being placed back into Coulson's team his interactions with Sky will have huge impact on the finale of the season. 
  Phil Coulson remains the tentpole of the show. He is all but ready to lose hope and go into survival mode until he receives secret coordinates through his badge which he believes were sent by Nick Fury. He is willing to follow blindly just for a shred that Fury might be alive and that S.H.I.E.L.D. has a chance to survive. His emotional breakdown upon finding nothing at the coordinates was moving, a man who had given his life to Nick Fury couldn't accept that the organization he vowed to serve was destroyed. He did breathe a sigh of relief once he found out that Fury was alive from Agent Koening but seemed hesitant to keep it a secret. Given Coulson's newfound hatred of secrets, it is unlikely that he will keep that hidden from his team for very long. His relationship with May also continues to be on the rocks as he no longer trusts her. She will probably try to regain his trust and may have already started the process by revealing that someone other than Nick Fury headed up the T.A.H.I.T.I. project. Coulson will undoubtedly want to search for this new mystery person but that will probably be saved for season 2 as the battle with HYDRA should likely take up the bulk of the remaining two episodes.

  A leading theory is that Agent Simmons is also a HYDRA traitor, and I am a huge skeptic of this one. To me she has never seemed like the type that would betray Coulson let alone Fitz. However, she does now seem like a person to watch out for after her behavior in this episode. She is relentless in trying to figure out the secrets of the drug used to save Coulson and Sky. She also told Fitz that things cannot be the same anymore and seems to have lost a great deal of faith in Coulson. Now it remains to be seen if she can be turned to HYDRA now that Raina is also searching for the answer. Once again this seems to be a point which could potentially divide the team in the next two episodes. It would however be a shame to break up "FitzSimmons" as Fitz seems completely unlikely to ever betray Coulson.

Garrett and Ward cleaning out the fridge in a "Dark Knight Rises" fashion should provide them the necessary distractions to Coulson that they need to continue amassing their army. Garrett seems keen on finishing Centipede phase 3 so these prisoners freed are likely to be given the Centipede treatment. In the weapons locker, Ward grabbed the "Rage Staff" which we saw himself and May wield earlier in the season. He might have to end up using this against Coulson and his team in order for his emotions to not deter his mission. The bigger reveal however is Ward grabbing the Gravitonium. In addition to guaranteeing Ian Quinn's service, it also potentially means the return of Dr. Franklin Hall a.k.a Gravitron in the comics. If Gravitron is to make an appearance on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. it could mean a cameo by an MCU superhero to help bring him down. It seems unlikely that Coulson and his team could bring down Gravitron by themselves unless they decide to reveal that Sky has some sort of powers as being an 0-8-4, an area they have left virtually untouched since they revealed it. In any event, the Gravitonium cannot spell good things for Coulson and his team.

   It is going to be interesting to see how the events of the next two episodes end the season and the impacts that these events will have on Avengers: Age of Ultron and even further, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2.

All in all a good episode which sets up the chess board for the final act of this season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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